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CEO Letter 2020

Dear Reader

With the beginning of a new decade, I cannot help but look back to the year 2000. We started the millennium with the Y2K threat and gadgets like the iPhone, social media, GPS systems, e-readers, 4D printing and self-driving cars were not yet part of our lives. The past two decades have undoubtedly brought us incredible progress and innovation on all fronts.

During this time, HR has evolved tremendously and moved from a business function to a strategic partner. As an industry, we invested in HR business partner models, reinvented reviews, embraced a more diverse and remote workforce, and faced digitalization to new just a few.

Somewhere along the way, we have left the information age behind us and quietly moved into the augmented era. It is no wonder workplaces are more dynamic, connected and collaborative than ever before.

HR folks across the globe are working hard on taking HR practices to the next level. But are we going far enough in our attempts to reinvent HR? Have we challenged ourselves enough and taken the necessary and often hard measures needed? Are we delivering what the company needs and at the right speed? Are we maximizing the potential of digitalization by focusing on processes? While some companies have made great strides, the blanket answer is: We can do better.

After all, the ability of organizations to capture and deliver on momentary markets stands and falls with our people and the way we work. And while every part of the business must do its bid to achieve this, HR should lead the way. We need to create exponential value and drive business results.

But embracing the Digital Age (or as some may already claim the Post-Digital Age) is far more complex than bringing technology to HR; it is about building a human-centric organization. And while HR has come a long way, we have to take it to the next level in this new decade. 2020 is the year of fully embracing the fourth wave of HR.

HR’s ability to do so, will determine out fate. We cannot hesitate to grab this chance, if we want to (continue to) be effective and relevant in the future. Even, or especially, if it means fundamentally transforming our HR and people approach. This is not an easy journey: It takes courage and determination and an insatiable appetite for change. But it is a transformation journey towards a momentous future.

Let us make this a year of repositioning HR as driver of business success and agility. Reach out to us. We can shape the decade together.

Yours truly,

Fabiola Eyholzer
Chief Executive Officer
Just Leading Solutions LLC

Fabiola Eyholzer is a pioneer and renowned thought leader in HR Agility. As a seasoned Management Consultant and Executive Advisor, she advises enterprises across various industries and countries on their efforts to accelerate their transformation journey towards Business Agility by focusing on their crucial asset: their people.

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About Fabiola Eyholzer

Fabiola Eyholzer is a thought leader in Agile HR and seasoned Management Consultant and Executive Advisor for Business and HR Agility, Change Enablement, Transformation and Performance Acceleration.