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Infographic: 10 Things Human Resources Does Not Want To Hear From Agile

When Lean | Agile meets traditional Human Resources, two worlds with different values, principles, and practices collide. See the top 10 issues Lean | Agile teams are most frustrated about when it comes to their HR.

Meeting the demands of agile teams with traditional people solutions is a challenge. In our infographic we summarized the top 10 shortcomings of Human Resources from a team perspective.

  1. Performance Management kills team dynamic and agility.
  2. Bonus Models do not foster agile values and undermine collaborative behavior.
  3. Employee Appraisals are too ritualistic and infrequent to keep up with fast feedbacks.
  4. Talent Development is not in line with continuous learning and knowledge sharing.
  5. HR overlooks to also hire for mindset, ability, and conduct to thrive in agile teams.
  6. HR cares more about policies and regulations than helping us unlock our potential.
  7. HR is more concerned about the outdated notion of retention than engagement.
  8. HR instruments are too static and do not inspire meaning and growth.
  9. HR does not connect with people and cannot be trusted to act in our best interest.
  10. HR does not get Agile and is not interested in understanding it.


Lean | Agile teams deserve amazing people solutions aligned with their values & principles. It is up to HR to become People Operations and create an inspiring and engaging workplace where people can thrive.

Does your HR meet the standard of Lean | Agile teams?



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View & download our infographic on 10 Things HR does not want to hear from Agile


About Fabiola Eyholzer

Fabiola Eyholzer is a thought leader in Agile HR and seasoned Management Consultant and Executive Advisor for Business and HR Agility, Change Enablement, Transformation and Performance Acceleration.