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The Year of Lean | Agile People Operations

This year will be all about lean | agile People Operations! Businesses across all industries are embracing lean | agile values and principles on a whole new scale. By transforming the enterprise as an entity they are tapping into the corporate DNA and unleashing the full potential of this winning business and leadership model – and in the midst of it all is Human Resource Management.


The pace of lean | agile transformation is accelerating and businesses across all industries are embracing this energetic business and leadership model. They are striving to change into organizations that don’t only think lean | agile but also culturally embrace the underlying values and principles. Lean | agile becomes part of their corporate DNA.

For many companies, this is a fundamental change with a level of intensity, complexity, and magnitude never undertaken before. At the same time, it is a chance to completely rethink the way we understand, structure, and lead our organizations and realign it with the demands of a fast-paced, technology-driven and talent-stricken business world. By doing so, they are unchaining the full potential of a truly lean | agile enterprise.

Shareholder value, process-driven structures and command & control leadership styles are no longer the order of business. The focus shifts towards creating a vibrant, stimulating, and connected company that is built around talented, motivated, and inspiring people.

Subsequently, we have to reassess how we stimulate and boost organizational and personal growth; redesign how we inspire engagement and celebrate performance, reshape how we recognize and engage with current, former, and potential talents; and especially rethink how we interact in a caring, communicative, and connecting way with our employees, partners, and customers.

This brings Human Resources as both change and people experts right into the thick of things – and with double the responsibility: For one, HR needs to critically assess and redefine its own mandate and align it with lean | agile values and principles, just like all the other units and departments. But at the same time, HR must offer its expertise to the entire organization to guide a successful transformation.

Evidently, HR is by no means the sole driver nor key to everything, but it has to come through. And in the process, HR will (have to) grow up and accept its role as player behind the scene. And an emancipated People Ops team will emerge and reclaim its core domain: Engage and energize talent – and it will stand its ground on this, even (or especially) when it comes to people decision too often dictated by other departments like Finance.

HR makes a difference, especially when it comes to building and engaging self-organizing teams. Lean | agile People Ops is all about igniting that people factor. And if your workforce can collaborate and skyrocket its potential, your business will thrive.

Are you ready for the year of lean | agile People Operations?


About Fabiola Eyholzer

Fabiola Eyholzer is a thought leader in Agile HR and seasoned Management Consultant and Executive Advisor for Business and HR Agility, Change Enablement, Transformation and Performance Acceleration.